Mother Teresa
Merry Merry Christmas:
Happy Thanksgiving:
I wanted to share this with you in this season of gratitude. This is a wonderful message and is a perfect metaphor to all the circumstance life delivers for us to learn to dance through. With this message comes overwhelming gratitude for you in my life but also for the lessons this message provides. I work to give my attention to the moment intending to experience the love and wonder it is holds regardless of its packaging. To always be overflowing with love, gratitude, enthusiasm, giving and receiving. Your in my thoughts today. Blessings and love to you and yours.
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Motivation in a Minute,1952 McDowell Rd. Suite 300, Naperville, IL 60563
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I am sharing a poem with you that my dear friend Barry shared with me and it touched me deeply. I hope you too receive the gift of universal love and connection this poem gave me. I am so often in the place of searching for the right answer, direction, guidance and this poem helps define the way to do just that. When I allow my "search" for direction to be navigated by my mind the response often feel conflicted, confusing and I feel doubtful and frustrated. The minds connection is to me and my depth of knowledge and understanding. It is tainted by my ego and dependent on what "others" think. When I search my soul, its connection is to the universe and if I focus, get quiet with myself and allow myself to trust; the response is typically subtle, and calm; true to me and congruent with my purpose.
Search your soul: It is convenient; you always have it with you, it is true and calls from the eternal source.
Here is the poem by James Kavanaugh' from his book of poetry titled: There Are Men Too Gentle To Live Among Wolves.
There is quiet water
In the center of your soul
Where a son or daughter
Can be taught what no man knows
There's a fragrant garden
In the center of your soul
Where the weak can harden
And a narrow mind can grow
There's a rolling river
In the center of your soul
An eternal river
With a rich and endless flow
There's a land of muses
In the center of your soul
Where the rich are losers
And the poor are free to go
So remain with me , then,
To pursue another goal
And to find your freedom
In the center of your soul
Anything you'd like to share? Please do.
Love you all,
P.S. Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at:
"Life engenders life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich." — Sarah Bernhardt
This is wonderful!!!! And a lesson I have had to learn. I remember a time that I lived so guarded and with held giving of myself. I believed my love was to be saved for those few people who were to be those special people in your life. I did not understand the "cup runneth over" theory. That "love" like your body as it uses blood simply makes more; I did not understand that the "giving" of love never emptied the cup. There was not a limited cache to save; that more miraculously re-filled my cup!!!
The lesson for me was, the more love spent; not only is there the reward of the love you've spread but that much much more comes back to you. As this quotation says, living the life you've been given creates more life to live, the more energy you spend the more energy you have to spend, the spending of yourself is the act that enriches you. This is much different than the philosophies of scarceness I learned growing up. That saving yourself for "something" truly saves that which you are protecting.
I am still learning to "spend" myself and shedding the scarceness philosophy. I am grateful for the reminder of this valuable lesson. Something I need to continue to address daily to enjoy the truth that we are all living a life of abundance.
Anything you'd like to share?
Love you all,
P.S. Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at:
"The root of joy is gratefulness...It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful." Brother David Steindl-Rast
I love this quotation. it so true. Looking for joy from the experience of an event or how life will be after achieving a long worked for goal can often be anticlimactic. Which I experienced when I graduated from college as I have believed "then" life would be joyful. Or going out with friends, buying something, looking for the joy in the event often fails to deliver the joy sought.
It truly is that within, the feeling of gratitude of for what you have that delivers true and fulfilling joy.
Any thoughts you'd like to share?
Love you all,
P.S. Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at:
Each day travels by, goals achieved, goals forgotten. Enthusiasm trigged by wonderful things that happen coexist as weariness of each day seemly the same as yesterday dulling my senses. Disappointments discourage me and acceptance of my circumstances lures me into contentment and not desiring to imagine, I allow limitation to dictated my life.
I have learned my enthusiasm and inspiration have dementia. That if too many hours pass that I do not fuel my inspiration and enthusiasm the fires die and I give way to complacency. I know I choose to live an inspired life engaging my imagination to create the wonder I know is possible. But it takes work. It requires that I have an attitude of if something is it to be that it is up to me; to step up take the responsibility of my life and make even the most mundane of things come to life.
Imagine, dream and create daily feeling life enthusiastically and contintual gratitude for all my blessings. Each of you are things I am most grateful for.
Anything you'd like to share?
Love you all,
P.S. Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at:
"When we blame, we give away our power." Greg Anderson
I remember when my kids were young I use to say to them, as long as "it" (whatever "it" was) was was some else's fault then they could not solve the problem themselves. I knew then that this was true however; I don't think I applied it to myself as literally as I was trying to impose it on my children. No matter the situation, circumstance or area of life you do not like and look elsewhere for the cause, the location of the power that infused this into your life there, in lies the power to fix it.
I want the power to fix anything and everything in my life. Being dependent on anyone else for something is crippling. And in this case completely false and ineffective. So, if I want to be able to create, end or improve something/anything in my life I must look with-in, take the responsibility for and begin my work.
Any comments, please respond.
Love you all,
P.S. Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at:
"I can have peace of mind only when I forgive rather than judge." Gerald G. Jampols
I catch myself too many times a day thinking judgmental thoughts. Little ones, big ones. Some simple thoughts that I trick myself into thinking they are not judgmental, when in fact, when I follow them through to why I thought them, they certainly are judgmental. Like: Why do they do that? I would never do that? While driving: What aaare youu DOING? Turn already!!! I am right, they are wrong it is that simple. When I am sure if I were in their car, what is going on would make perfect sense. But in my car, for my purposes, they are impeding me and what I want to do.
Judging what others are wearing, choices people make, anything outside of my morals, logic or measure of right and wrong, is judgement!!!! I do this every day, many times a day.
This is why I may fear others are judging me; because I spend my valuable brain space, albeit quickly and instantaneously, thinking about and judging them. If I would spend this effort, productively or even positively, how would my outlook improve, would my productivity improve, how would my own self esteem improve, I need to work on this and find out.
I must learn and implement acceptance for all others; keep myself in check and know the trigger to judgement is when my personal measure of value or deeds is the origin of my thought.
What you resist persists. Carl Jung
Hello, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing about this subject again. As Life is the most patient and consistent teacher; this lesson is presented to me once again; providing me with yet another opportunity to perfect this weakness in myself. Again I experience that resisting the emotions that come with living create dysfunction. In a conversation with a friend just yesterday we talked about if we'd simply surrender ourselves to our faith that we will be where we need to be, in situations providing opportunity to grow and that we'll know what to do in the situation presented to us we would walk boldly forward accepting what presents itself as is without resistance. If I could do this I could minimize the infusion of my negative, fearful thoughts.
If in times of struggle I would accept our struggle feeling it, accepting it. Resistance would diminish, whatever lesson is available to learn I could accept it and move on to whatever life presents next. Carl Jung also said "There can be no transformation of darkness into light and apathy into movement without emotion." Ah, "feeling" is important or I guess imperative, not simply reasoning!!!
I allow my times of struggle to weaken my faith, weaken my confidence and I respond to fear and doubt which paralyzes my movement forward. When what I need to do connect to hope and faith inspiring my movement forward, allowing emotion flow and process freeing me for what life will present next.
Again, as a work in progress, I work to grow.
Anything you'd like to share?
Love you all,
"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel."
Carl W. Buechner
This quotation describes the primal manner in which we truly communicate with one another, the lasting affect our interactions have one another and the power to positively (or negatively) impact those with whom we interact.
My mother was so powerful in positively impacting others. People always left her feeling better then when they came. Whether our interaction is a brief encounter at the grocery store or evening together, we know those who make us feel better when we're around them. We always feel fondly towards those people who make us feel good in their presence and happy to see them and desirous to be in their presence.
There are those moments you don't feel well, or you're in midst of a personal struggle that you may not be able to get outside yourself to emanate a warm, welcoming and caring demeanor for others. But if I can find the composure to get out of myself, extend these positive feeling for someone else what has always been the result is that I feel better myself.
Thank you to all of you who have lifted me, and deeper thanks for those times you lifted me when you were not feeling your best. I will be forever working to lift, inspire, promote and extend and uplifting demeanor for all those I touch.
Any thoughts you'd like to share?
Love you all,
P.S. Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at:
I agree that the drop in the ocean seems so insignificant but so does one rain drop upon the earth. one smile, one handshake, etc. It all starts out with one of something, like the first step of a long journey. If you had to contemplate the "one" of anything, nothing would get done. How many times must you hit the nail with the hammer in order to build the house? If you thought about it no houses would get built.
Your contribution to the whole depends on your insight. Something as simple as a smile, or in my case, just the touch of the human hand, can make all the difference in the world. People want to know that you are there, and that you care.
There are reasons why we never know how our one drop affects others. It would never allow us to move on, we would be caught up in the moment and not think about the future. We would be so enamoured with ourselves that we would not move forward, and contribute another drop to the ocean.
So my thought for the day is this: It is the small things in life that move us, it is the bigger things in life that sustain us, and in the end we answer to a higher being about what we did in this life. It will be reveled then, and you will know how you did.
I have shared with a friend in the last few weeks that I struggle to "ask" for those things of which are very important to me. As I read this quotation (repeatedly) and I considered this confession, clarity of this resistance arose. I am not "delivering" therefore; I am timid and hesitant to "ask". I am not experienced in "giving" of those things I resist asking for. Wow what a revelation. How freeing it is to simply "know" to gain an understanding of what is going on in my mind, my thought process, my decision making processes and my auto responses.
I can, now with this knowledge, look back at times when some of this nature of this nature was asked of me and I resisted. I justified my resisting fulfilling the request by telling myself that my fulfilling this request was somehow not proper.
With this new perspective; when something of nature is being asked of me, now, I can deliver with open grace. Thank you Johann Kasper Lavater, thank you.
The test of success? When I am accustom to fulfilling these desires for others I will in turn be capable of asking boldly.
Any thoughts?
Love you all,
P.S. Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at:
"…to make an end is to make a beginning."
— T.S. Eliot
"How soon not now, becomes never."
Martin Luther
"The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started."
Dawson Trotman