Monday, March 8, 2010

Quotation of the Day

"The greatest gift you can give others is your best you—your healthiest you."    —  Joseph J. Sweere
As I was growing up and was looking for what "I" was supposed to be doing with this life I was given; I searched the world around me for clues hoping they would direct me to the "things" I was to accomplish, change this things I was to change, help in the ways I was to help etc. 
Until just a few years ago I didn't know that my first mistake was where I was searching.  All of my search took place out in the world I existed in.  My observations and longing for clues to the meaning and purpose of my was to manifest seemed to trickle in yet I longed for the feeding to come from a fire hose feeding me faster and faster as I desired to make my mark!.
Just a few years ago learning that "where" the search needed to take place was not external at all it was with in with "in" me.  It is an "internal" search required to identify and create as I am meant to.  Once I began looking in the correct place I find "me" a Divine and wonderful creation but one which requires vigilant and much work in order to live my purpose.  Truly, I find, I am my project and it is the changes in "ME", becoming the best "ME", focusing on growing, improving and only looking at "ME" that is my purpose.  And once this settled in me, the paths I was to walk, those I may have the pleasure to touch or be touched by, with no effort from me appear in my path.
Any comments you'd like to share, I'd love to hear them.
Love you all,
 P.S.  Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at:

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