Thursday, December 10, 2009

Quotation of the Day

Scars remind us of where we've been, they don't need to dictate where we are going.    Author Unknown
There is no author for this quotation as it was simply a statement I heard spoken and I don't the name of the person who said it.  But I found this profound.
I remember allowing the pain of my scars to dictate my emotions of the day.  Because I lived there, in the past, in the pain.  And I choose to allow these past experiences to injure my present self esteem, spoil my present decision making ability, break my spirit and therefore, dictate my future.  As a result, I did not feel worthy of anything good that may have been an opportunity for me in the present.  I avoided the things that were possible opportunity's, not because the opportunity didn't exist but because I didn't feel I deserved it.  What I believed I deserved was the event that created the scar! 
My memory logged the event as one where the opportunity never existed.  Because, I did not see myself as one who would pass up a good opportunity.
There comes a time when we must take responsibility for today, today.  We must realize the miracle we are each moment and the current moment is "ours" to spend, to live, how we choose, happy, sad, indifferent, inspiring.  And ttomorrow is whatever we choose to make it.     
Any thoughts you'd like to share?
Love you all,
See this and other quotations at:

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