Here is a response regarding the quotation below I think you'd all enjoy, thanks so much Thomas.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." Mahatma Gandhi
Excellent quotation, Jacky Bell, and I love your article!
In this huge case I have been representing for the past six years, that is exactly what happened. Just like Gandhi said; first they ignored us, then they mocked us, then they fought us, and then - - - we won.
Now we are at it again. This time, they skipped the ignoring and mocking stage and went straight to fighting us. Guess they are taking us more seriously.
Too bad for them – we are about to win again!
I love your treatment of this quotation. I especially appreciate that you gently identified the most dangerous enemy; an enemy more insidious and powerful than those who actively oppose us - - - an enemy even greater than ourselves (J). That greatest "enemy" is often a parent, a loyal friend, a caring neighbor (even, oddly enough, sometimes a mental health counselor). It is usually someone who loves us – someone who doesn't want to see us lose or be hurt or be embarrassed – someone who tries to protect us by discouraging us from trying.
I love how you point out that since it tends to be that particular person's nature to "protect us" by discouraging us from trying something risky, we often talk ourselves out of the venture even whilst on our way to talk to them to share our dream and get their advice.
It is also sad that when we try anyway, that caring person may be constantly saying, "Now be careful." "Don't work too hard." "Be sure you have other options." "Why don't you just do it part time, until you know it will work?"
Seems like sound advice, but it's not usually good advice.
But your advice was right on target – to not be that loving person who inadvertently becomes (insert dramatic scary organ music) The Greatest Enemy.
Thanks for your quotation of the day, Jacky – and your great article. It is a wonderful way to end the year and start the new one with firm resolve to never BE the "Greatest Enemy."
I will share it with my client who is winning for the second time (the State of Utah just can't seem to learn!). He will love it.
Have a wonderful 2010 – the year of perfect vision
See this an other quoatation/responses at: