Friday, February 12, 2010

Quotation of the Day

"Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have it in the beginning."        Mahatma Gandhi
The path to "faith" particularly in myself has been a long and ttreacherous path.  It took significant personal strife to learn my "faith" in myself was a great weakness.  The trials life delivered I knew I could survive and conquer them.  The challenges, disappointments and even some of my goals like completing my education, being an available and involved mother, in these externally delivered challenges my faith was strong.  
Where I had almost no belief in myself was when the things that came from deep inside, things I truly desired.  And when I'd see job, or some community project that was very meaningful to me but was big or seemingly lofty,  my faith in "me" was non existent.  I remember a few times my internal dialogue talking myself right out of it.    
Now, essentially, I know I my lack of belief was the cause of my inability to do these things.  That simply changing my belief; the ability, path and strength needed to accomplish what I wanted to do presented itself.  The path to the "knowing" that I am a Divine creation; which is so easy for me to see and believe in all "others".  But turning this divinity towards myself, whew, I'm still working on it.  In the beginning, I allowed my mind to tell me I was not deserving of the same things I'd immediately believe, with all my heart, others deserved.  My belief that these paths that were presenting themselves were really "meant" for others, NOT ME caused me to pass them by.  With practice, reading, learning, sharing with others my thoughts and beliefs I learned, am learning, that I am divine, as everyone else, then I began to believe these paths were really meant for me, and I had a responsibility beyond myself to travel them. 
We are own worst enemy at times.  Learning to love ourselves as we do others is something we not only owe ourselves but the essence of our creation, purpose and creator.  My work, on me continues.  YOU, are divine, YOUR possibilities are limitless, YOUR imagination is your responsibility to materialize, and the source of all creation is counting on YOU to create what they inspired you to imagine. 
Any thoughts you'd like to share?
Love you all,
P.S.  Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thought I'd give you a Laugh for this Quotation of the Day

Just for fun I thought we'd have a laugh.  I took me til I was in my 30's to learn to laugh at myself and not take life so seriously.  Some areas of my life I'm still working on this quality.  After reading these quotations I now the problem with my photographic memory is I simply need to buy film.  That I've been frustrated thinking my adversaries were smarter than me but they're simply insane, yea.  My being in a constant state of suspense is a good thing, who knew?  I know for SURE I am just a 12 minute egg, I know it, I just know it!!!!  And, I'm still looking for my booger, so excuse me please
Love you all,
P.S.  Find this and other wonderful quotations/responses at:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Quotation of the Day 2/4/2010

 "They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel."
Carl W. Buechner




This quotation describes the primal manner in which we truly communicate with one another, the lasting affect our interactions have one another and the power to positively (or negatively) impact those with whom we interact. 


My mother was so powerful in positively impacting others.  People always left her feeling better then when they came.  Whether our interaction is a brief encounter at the grocery store or evening together, we know those who make us feel better when we're around them.  We always feel fondly towards those people who make us feel good in their presence and happy to see them and desirous to be in their presence. 


There are those moments you don't feel well, or you're in midst of a personal struggle that you may not be able to get outside yourself to emanate a warm, welcoming and caring demeanor for others.  But if I can find the composure to get out of myself, extend these positive feeling for someone else what has always been the result is that I feel better myself. 


Thank you to all of you who have lifted me, and deeper thanks for those times you lifted me when you were not feeling your best.  I will be forever working to lift, inspire, promote and extend and uplifting demeanor for all those I touch. 


Any thoughts you'd like to share?


Love you all,



P.S.  Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at: