Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Quotation of the day

"Life consists of what a man is thinking about all day."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is it you think about as the minutes of your day passes by?  When I first heard this idea a few years ago, I realized I had never really thought about what it is that I think about.  I began to pay attention and was shocked.  Prior to this revelation I would have described myself as positive and hopeful however, paying attention to the thoughts that run constantly, seemingly in the background, were shockingly negative, pessimistic, judgmental and limiting.  I believed that changing the thoughts to more accepting, positive and empowering would be simple;  oh my, like our muscles memorize movement our mind has years of memorization that required intent and repetition to change. 

I learned in this process there were many things that existed in my life that I had formerly believed were present due to external circumstances.  Tunes out to be the theme of the thoughts, a dialogue not so unconsciously running in the background, was being manifested into reality.  Quite an empowering lesson.  Even the most minor of changes, deciding to make my thoughts positive, hopeful, and empowering had an incredible compounding effect evidenced by that manifesting in my life.  While I have much work to do, the effort of paying attention to my thoughts, accepting I am where I have created; then deciding to intently manifest thoughts (what an idea) that I desire to manifest to fill my life....   over time that is what I have.  

Anything you'd like to share?


P.S.  Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at:

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