Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Quotation of the day

"Life consists of what a man is thinking about all day."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is it you think about as the minutes of your day passes by?  When I first heard this idea a few years ago, I realized I had never really thought about what it is that I think about.  I began to pay attention and was shocked.  Prior to this revelation I would have described myself as positive and hopeful however, paying attention to the thoughts that run constantly, seemingly in the background, were shockingly negative, pessimistic, judgmental and limiting.  I believed that changing the thoughts to more accepting, positive and empowering would be simple;  oh my, like our muscles memorize movement our mind has years of memorization that required intent and repetition to change. 

I learned in this process there were many things that existed in my life that I had formerly believed were present due to external circumstances.  Tunes out to be the theme of the thoughts, a dialogue not so unconsciously running in the background, was being manifested into reality.  Quite an empowering lesson.  Even the most minor of changes, deciding to make my thoughts positive, hopeful, and empowering had an incredible compounding effect evidenced by that manifesting in my life.  While I have much work to do, the effort of paying attention to my thoughts, accepting I am where I have created; then deciding to intently manifest thoughts (what an idea) that I desire to manifest to fill my life....   over time that is what I have.  

Anything you'd like to share?


P.S.  Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Quotation of the Day

"We must not say every mistake is a foolish one."


Shedding the thought that mistakes are embarrassing is a struggle!!  Well, it has been for me.  Mistakes are the evidence you're in search of the fruit of any experience.  Growing up in a world where I was somewhat protected from disappointment and failure distorted my perception of feeling accomplishment through effort regardless of the outcome on the path.  I perceived that growing up in a world where we share our experiences with each other in hopes of improving others experiences that those offering guidance on my path in gaining wisdom through experience were ones of judgement and criticism.  Maybe some were.  But allowing that thought process was a costly one.  While some lessons can be learned via others experiences for each of us there are the lessons we must learn first hand via experience; even if the same path as another has taken before you the element "experience" is that that creates wisdom/compassion.  I feared the judgement that would come from the one who traveled the path I was currently learning from; even though my lesson may deliver me to completely different perspective or outcome. 

This is not to say that learning from another's experience does not have value.  I am very grateful for some lessons I learned with out personally experiencing the path, thank you.  However, whether it's stubbornness or the requirement of the experience that will compel me to experience my own lessons for my own results, I hope to remain focused on that, the value in MY path and experience and celebrate the outcome with a sense of accomplishment.  I pray for feelings or encouragement and promotion to others on their path as well.  

Anything you'd like to share?

 P.S.  Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at:

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Quotation of the Day

...that what your heart thinks is great, is great.

The soul's emphasis is always right.


Ralph Waldo Emerson said that, and he was correct.

The mind is the last part of yourself to listen to.

It thinks of everything you can lose. The heart thinks of

everything you can give, and the soul thinks of

everything you are.


I will leave it up to you to decide which of those

three is the most important...

When ever I listen to the right voice, the feeling that accompanies it are that of enthusiasm, hope, and are uplifting and empowering.  When I listen to the voice that is accompanied by feelings powerlessness, withdrawal, avoidance and dread indicates my mind at the helm and this is not the voice to follow.  Soul vs mind;  mind provides the ability to learn and survive.  The Soul is our navigator guiding us to our true north assuring our path and destination are congruent with our purpose. 

Anything you'd like to share?     


 P.S. Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at: