Challenges are what you came for. And you are
never, ever, given a challenge you cannot overcome.
The purpose of life is to give you a chance to be the grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are. When challenges arrive, then, move straight to clarity: This is what you came for.
Now rise to this occasion, and know that you have
every resource with which to create the right and
perfect outcome.
Now and as a child, I believed I could be one who calms, loves and promotes others; solution oriented and a problem solver. These were a few of my grandest visions of myself and who I must strive each moment to be/become. To accomplish this I have been plagued with curbing my judgment of others, whew constant work!!! I must allow them the same I grace and understanding I afford myself. I am learning and working daily to keeping my focus on me, my true project, and only extend only acceptance and love to others.
I remember many times being submerged in circumstances that challenged my belief I could overcome them, even altering my thoughts to believing I deserved these struggles. Now being on the other side of them I can see that who I am and what I am capable of today is directly related to the surmounting of struggle.
Anything you'd like to share?
Love you all,
P.S. Find this and other wonderful quotations and responses at: